Friday, December 27, 2013

Martin's Fish Tacos

(with input from Garrett and Justin)

Cut up fish (we used pickerel Martin and Paul caught) into small pieces. Sprinkle with:
·         lime juice
·         chili powder
·         cumin
·         chopped garlic
Marinate for a while, then fry.

Mango Salsa
·         diced mangoes
·         diced red pepper
·         chopped green onions
·         olive oil

Pico de Gallo
·         chopped tomatoes
·         chopped red onion
·         chopped garlic
·         cilantro
·         juice of ½ lemon
·         mashed avocadoes
·         lemon juice
·         some chopped tomatoes
·         bit of mayo or sour cream
Cole Slaw with cole slaw dressing

Meat filling (alternative to fish):
·         2 parts beef to 1 part dark red kidney beans (mashed in)
·         1 clove garlic... mildly fried before adding
·         3 parts Mexican chili to 1 part cumin....oregano and salt to taste
Tortillas (courtesy Justin Van Mulligan):
·         2 parts fine or medium cornmeal (limed) to 1 part white flour to 2 parts water and about 2 tbsps of vegetable oil to each 1/2 cup of cornmeal
·         1 egg per 2 eaters
·         a dash of salt
·         water
·         Roll out to about 6 inches round, fry in dry pan at low-medium heat
1 cup of cornmeal and 2 eggs makes 6-8 tortillas