Sunday, March 19, 2017

Swedish Roasted Root Vegetables

This recipe was adapted from one in a cookbook called "Simply Swedish: Flavours for Every Season" written by Margareta Schildt Landgren.  The cookbook was given to us by our Swedish cousin Helena Rudberg summer when John and I visited her in Sweden.  What is unique about this recipe is the honey mixed into the oil that is drizzled over the vegetables before baking. Delicious.

Step 1: Get lovely colourful root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, beets and red onion.      
Step 2: Cut veg up all about the same size and put in a baking pan. Oven preheated to 400.  Drizzle with a mixture of 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp honey (adjust for number of veg).  Add pepper or Herbs de Provence (not very Swedish!). I tossed the veg together with the drizzle in a large bowl to make sure it was all coated evenly and then put on the pan.  Bake for about 20 minutes until vegetables are soft. Stir a couple of times during baking for even cooking.

Yum Yum. Enjoy.